99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 7: Moo Brew Pale Ale

Beer number 7 in my 99 paintings of bottles of beer series - Moo Brew Pale Ale, from Moo Brew in Bridgewater, Tasmania.

(yep, another Australian one - now that I think of it I should have made it 99 paintings of bottles of Australian beer...)

Moo Brew’s original brewery was located on the site of the Museum of Old and New Art – MONA, which opened in Hobart in January 2011. It is Australia’s largest private museum.

Below are the usual culprits,
12 this time which is hopeless - I didn't use the raw umber, unbleached titanium or burnt sienna, and I could have done without either the red umber or burnt umber,
So really I only needed 8 including B&W, technically getting better I guess..

92 to go...
