99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 14: Eagle Bay Vienna Lager

Beer number 14 in my 99 paintings of bottles of beer series - another West Australian craft beer from down in the South West - "Vienna Lager" from Eagle Bay Brewing Co

This ones a Bavarian style lager, brewed with rainwater and solar power, good on em!

The camera really blew out the oranges for some reason and I can't seem to correct it properly.
Here it is ready to go along with the paints used. That Maimeri Medditeraneo Trinacria Orange was perfect for the label on the bottle, hard to find another PO62 so I've got a better version of this pigment, this one is a bit grainy but it did the job.



99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 12: Return of the Dread

The twelfth painting in my 99 bottles of beer series, another Aussie beer, the first in this series from Fremantles' own Little Creatures Brewery, where I held my very second ever exhibition in 2005 - "Return of the Dread" domestic extra stout!

This one is a seasonal beer,only available for three months (during winter) this one is my kind of beer and at 7.2% it meant I had to stop at two beer paintings for the night...

I could have done without the Red Umber again I guess, the beer is almost black! (as it should be, yum)

12 down, 87 to go...

Cheers mate!

99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 11: Cobra Premium

The eleventh painting in my 99 bottles of beer series, Cobra Premium.
Founded in 1989, it's blend of water, malted barley, yeast, rice, maize wheat and four varieties of hops to produce a smoother, less gassy lager.

And below the colours used, I'm still being a bit lazy using both Burnt Umber and Red Umber, but I suppose I'm trying to paint them quickly so I've got an excuse. That Williamsburg Alizarin Orange is starting to come in pretty handy, I better buy a bigger tube next order..


99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 10: Lucky Buddha Beer

Beer number 10 in my 99 paintings of bottles of beer series - Lucky Beer, or depending on where you purchase it - "Lucky Buddha Enlightened Beer"
With a name like that, and a bottle like that, I had to do it...

And below - here we go ready to paint, third one for the night so the palette is a bit of a mess.
Incidentally, I'm painting all these on aluminium panel, which I prepare with one coat of 3in1 all purpose metal primer, then one coat of Oil Prime, then wash with a red oxide.

Eleven colours this time, but I had to push around a bit to capture the different greens and reflections in the green, I was also trying to kick my newfound (potentially expensive) addiction to viridian.

That Lefranc Transparent Indian Orange has become my go-to colour for both the darkness of the actual beer, and the majority of the paper bag area, a very useful paint.
First time I've actually used the Old Holland Phthalo blue ( well they call it Sheveningen blue) even though I've had the tube for a while - a bit weak for a phthalo, but maybe thats a good thing? I'll have to play around with this paint a little bit more.

Ten down, 89 to go!!

gan bei!

99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 9: Bootleg Brewery Prohibition Pils

Beer number 9 in my 99 paintings of bottles of beer series - We're back to Australia with a beer from Bootleg Brewery in Margaret River!

This one is Prohibition Pils, better tasting than the previous one to me, that might have something to do with the imported Saaz and Hersbrucker hops and good down-south rainwater used to brew it.

You can read all about the history of Bootleg Brewery and the 6 generations of WA settlers before them here , cause I can't be bothered sifting through and re-typing the relevant bits, it's 2:11 in the morning and I've got another beer post to do after this...

For some reason I can't get the pic quite right - the colours are off making this look more orange than the painting actually is..

below is it in the shadow box going warm while I paint it
(I really hope that's what those things are called)

And below - I cut down on colours cause the label is black and white!
I could probably get away with one or two less yellows/oranges but the subtle colour changes whene the poured beer is in front of the lit up paper bag make having those extra colours useful

cheers mate!

99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 8: Coedo ‘Ruri’ Pils

Beer number 8 in my 99 paintings of bottles of beer series - Coedo 'Ruri' Pils

Another Japanese one, this time a craft beer - a friend bought this for me on a recent trip over, we resisted the urge to drink it while he was here so I got to enjoy it after I painted it.

Don't know much about this one, it's from Coedo Brewery in Japan (Kyodo Shoji Koedo Brewery) and is 5% ABV

A bit of a cloudy almost wheat-beer, below is it all set up ready to go :

Ten colours this time, not bad.
The Art Spectrum Permanent Mauve turned out to be a perfect colour match for the label, other than that I could have probably done without the Raw Umber & maybe mixed it from the red umber, paynes grey and raw sienna light I guess,
but it's a toss-up between my weird urge to use less paints and the fact I need to paint them quick cause I'm filming.


99 paintings of bottles of beer – Beer 7: Moo Brew Pale Ale

Beer number 7 in my 99 paintings of bottles of beer series - Moo Brew Pale Ale, from Moo Brew in Bridgewater, Tasmania.

(yep, another Australian one - now that I think of it I should have made it 99 paintings of bottles of Australian beer...)

Moo Brew’s original brewery was located on the site of the Museum of Old and New Art – MONA, which opened in Hobart in January 2011. It is Australia’s largest private museum.

Below are the usual culprits,
12 this time which is hopeless - I didn't use the raw umber, unbleached titanium or burnt sienna, and I could have done without either the red umber or burnt umber,
So really I only needed 8 including B&W, technically getting better I guess..

92 to go...
